
As parents and guardians, please help your third grader become a lifelong reader:  Blur the lines between their love for you and the act of reading by sharing your own reading with him or her daily as a form of sharing time together. Remember, if your child is still interested, read books with him or her!  

Third graders should read at least 20 minutes per day (with or without an adult) in order to maximize vocabulary and comprehension growth.  When reading independently, the children should read "good fit" books:  that is, books that are "not too easy or too hard," and that require minimal assistance.  

Check out the Standards HERE.

Click HERE to read about Daily 5.

Recommended Reading Lists, Apps, and Websites:



Verses Poetry



Como padres y tutores, por favor colabore con su niño de tercer grado para que se convierta en un lector de por vida: mezcle el amor por usted y el acto de la lectura, usando su propia lectura e invite a su(s) hijo(s) todos los días a compartir un libro como una forma de pasar el tiempo juntos. Recuerde, si su hijo(a) está interesado(a), lea libros con él o ella!

Estudiantes de tercer grado deben leer al menos 20 minutos por día (con o sin un adulto) con el fin de maximizar el vocabulario y trabaje en el crecimiento de la comprensión. Al leer de forma independiente, los niños deben leer libros "buen ajuste": es decir, libros que son "no es demasiado fácil o demasiado difícil", y que requieran un mínimo de ayuda.

Revisa las normas AQUI.

Recomendaciones de Lectura: Listas, Apps, y sitios web:



Verses Poetry


Sitios web:

Students' Resource Recommendations:



1 comentario:

  1. Art around us.In the book it says art can be in be in different shapes and sizes.And in most of the story
    it says that there is painters,sculpting people,potter people,glassblowers,fiber art,unusual art people and
    weavers.Maybe some artists make really good sand castles and more.
